Welcome, Namaste, Peace

Elaine Rusk is an established, professional, spiritual psychic medium, who cherishes the opportunity to reconnect loved ones here in the physical, with those who are in spirit. By doing so she is able to establish continuity of life beyond the change we refer to as "death.” She prides herself in delivering highly detailed, evidential information, identifying who is coming to communicate from the realm of spirit. Once her client has a clear understanding of exactly who has come to visit, Elaine continues by bringing through their messages of guidance, healing, and love. It is her experience that those we love who are in spirit, and those who love us, (people and animals), never truly leave us.

As a young child Elaine was aware of things she couldn’t have possibly known. Her psychic and mediumistic capabilities allowed her to be sensitive to energy, which enabled her to see, know, and sense things others seemed unaware of. As an adult she has studied with several world renowned spiritual masters and mentors, from both Europe and America. Additionally, Elaine has repeatedly attended the prestigious metaphysical institute, Arthur Findlay College, located in Stansted England to develop and perfect her skills.

Elaine has successfully provided private readings, as well as large group readings to audiences in person and online. It is Elaine's belief that our soul’s purpose is love and growth, and that our loved ones in spirit are never more than just a whisper away. It is her honor to be the facilitator in reuniting you with your loved ones, and helping to deliver the comforting, healing, and loving benefits offered through the gifts of mediumship!

What is an intuitive medium?

An intuitive psychic medium is a conduit and a translator of energetic communications. Mediums utilize sensitivities, or tools called “clairs”, to receive and translate energetic transmissions and interactions. These tools can involve the medium feeling, knowing, seeing, hearing, smelling, and even tasting the energetic information which they are receiving. Many times, these communications actually involve a three way flow of energy involving the medium, your loved ones in spirit, and you! It’s the job of the medium to translate this energetic language, and accurately deliver your loved one’s messages of guidance, healing, and love.

The ability to acutely see images and pictures of places, people, and things from the past, present, and the future with your mind’s eye.


The ability to hear music, sounds, and words from your mind’s eye and or from those in spirit, which contribute to becoming messages


The ability to feel things energetically. Clairsentience can include feeling emotions, as well as physical sensations belonging to others.


The ability to energetically, accurately, and vividly be able to smell something which is not present in the physical realm


The ability to energetically, accurately, and vividly taste something which is not present in the physical world.


The ability to energetically, intuitively, and without effort, know something to be absolutely accurate and true relating to another who is in the world of spirit,